martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011


Guarana plays an important role in the culture of the Brazilian Tupi Guaraní. Guarana is a name derived from the word "wara" ná "in Tupi-Guarani means" fruit like the eyes of the people. "These tribes believed that the fruit was magic to cure intestinal diseases and a way to regain strength. They also believe in the myth of the "Divine Child" who was killed by a snake and his eyes gave life to this plant.

The genus is named Paul linia by Linnaeus in honor of Simon Paulli, a German botanist. In Brazil it is grown in the state of Amazonas and Bahia. In the region near the town of Maués, where it is cultivated, the Indians of the nation Sateré-Mawé have legends about the origin of the plant.

Guarana is a vine with compound leaves and flowers in bunches. The fruit (capsule) is small, red and contains a seed inside. This is a shrub native to the Amazon, found in Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Its scientific name is Paullinia cupana and belongs to the Sapindaceae family.

  • Astringent Effect.
  • Prevents arteriosclerosis.
  • Removes fever.
  • Help the proper functioning of the heart.
  • Improves muscle aches and headaches.
  • Stimulates the central nervous system.
  • Increases resistance to physical activity.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Delays the aging.


Caigua is native to Peru and is considered a functional food because it helps to regulate the fat in metabolisms by reducing blood cholesterol levels. The seed is native to the Andes and produces an edible fruit that can be eaten raw or cooked.

Over the years, a series of clinical studies began to appear indicating that this seed and generate a rich in nutritional value, it has several properties that are very beneficial to our health. It has been shown that caigua helps to achieve regulated cholesterol levels and even has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

  • Excellent to help slimming down, lose weight without causing anorexia, malnutrition and anemia.
  • Helps you stay healthy and at an ideal weight.
  • Cleans the blood.
  • Help with varicose veins, cellulite and hypertension.
  • Help in the prevention of coronary heart disease.
  • For liver, stomach, kidney pains, and fevers caused by malaria.
  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.


The Chancapiedra is a wild plant that adapts well in different soils and ecological environment levels of up to 3 000 m and that our country is abundant of places like this in the tropics. The Chancapiedra has been studied scientificly around the world and traditional Chinese medicine recommends it as an excellent hepatoprotective, especially in those who recover from hepatitis B and cellular damage induced by ethanol, but its common name is due to of their most famous properties, effective action against kidney stones and gallstones, both calcium oxalate (CaOx) and uric acid, demonstrating not only its action in removing them, but also as a preventative for the same, because its components antilitiasica action, analgesic, in addition to property destruction and miorelagación.

  • Antilític (prevents and eliminate kidney stones and gallstones).
  • Liver Protector (Protector of the Liver - tones, balances, strengthens, detoxifies and protects the liver, while liver enzymes balances).
  • Antiulcer.
  • Diuretic (tones, balances, strengthens, detoxifies and protects the kidneys, helping to reduce uric acid and increase urination).
  • Antiviral (against viruses including hepatitis A, B, and C, herpes, and HIV), antibacterial and antiparasitic
  • Hypocholesterolemic (lowers cholesterol), hypoglycemic.


The importance of Physalis peruviana is based on the content of minerals and vitamins, essential elements for growth, development and operation of different organs.

It is a source of provitamin A (3 000 IU of carotene per 100 g) and vitamin C and certain B vitamins (thiamin, niacin and vitamin B12), protein content and phosphorus are exceptionally high, but levels of calcium are low. Currently, it is an important therapeutic use, as experts say helps purify the blood, tones the optic nerve and relieve oral and throat infections.

It is recommended for people with diabetes of all types, favoring the treatment of people with prostate problems due to its diuretic properties and is also used as a natural tranquilizer for its flavonoid content.

  • Because tract, helps prevent stomach cancer, colon and bowel.
  • Rebuilds and strengthens the optic nerve.
  • Juice applied externally cures cataracts.
  • Rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid high).
  • Albumin decreases the kidneys.
  • Helps to alleviate the conditions of the throat and prostate.
  • Great softening system.
  • Controls amoebiasis.
  • Purifies the blood (diabetes).


An estimated 150 million men worldwide have some kind of difficulty with erection, the problem becomes more common as men get older, 1 in 2 men aged between 40 and 70 have Erectile dysfunction problems to a greater or lesser degree. For example, in Spain it is estimated that there are approximately 2,000,000 men with erectile dysfunction.

In traditional medicine continued use of Macho Huanarpo capsule restores male sexual potency, preventing, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and male sexual acts as a tonic. Additionally, the bark is also used for asthma, bronchitis, cough, and diabetes.


  • Aphrodisiac
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Stimulating hormone (testosterone promotes segregation)
  • Antiasthmatic
  • Antibronquial
  • Antidiabetic
  • Antitussive (cough)
  • Against skin ulcers
  • Nervine
  • Restorer of male sexual potency


Maca has known effects to enhance female and male fertility, but recent studies show that theBlack Maca variety has more specific effects and marked on the female and male fertility and improves learning, memory, stress, and be an effective solution to increasing fatigue endurance.


It has been shown to increase sperm count in epididymis and sperm motility, such research demonstrating its effect on spermatogenesis. From the seventeenth century is known by the chroniclers of the conquest of Peru on the property of maca to increase fertility. Black Maca increased epididymal sperm count. According to experimental research, black maca increases the mobility of sperm.


The study showed that black maca helps to reinforce the endometrium preventing embryonic loss, improves ovarian ensuring the quality of the embryo, even if the mother is subjected to adverse conditions such as poor nutrition.



In recent years, maca varieties were evaluated separately, especially the yellow variety, black and red, showing that Red Maca has proven effects in reducing the size of the prostate in benign prostatic hyperplasia induced with testosterone.

It has the greater anti-oxidant activity and be effective in the treatment of osteoporosis by promoting bone regeneration, and improving symptoms of menopause, unlike other varieties that have properties in common but are more effective in certain cases.

  • Reduce the size of the prostate
  • It is an excellent antioxidant
  • Combat osteoporosis, being an effective bone regenerative